Instructions for Firm Representatives
CPATA has made bulk payment available for the 2025 renewal period. Note that this form is only available for organizations looking to pay fees for five (5) or more agents. To avoid payment processing and licence renewal delays, we strongly encourage firm representatives to send the bulk payment form after all their licensees have submitted individually their licence renewal on their Licensee Portal.
- Complete the form and submit it to the College of Patent Agents and Trademark Agents (CPATA) via email by March 21, to the Director of Operations at
- Agents must personally log in to their Licensee Portal account and complete the Annual Licensee Report. This must be done before submitting this form.
- Note that the College does not issue invoices in advance but does provide individual invoices after payment. If the steps above are complete, agents may download their individual licence renewal invoice through their agent portal: Dashboard > Invoices and receipts > View All Invoices.