CPATA’s offices will be closed December 25 to January 1 inclusively for the holidays.

Please note that CPATA’s offices will be closed on Monday, October 14 for Thanksgiving

What We Do

Canada’s Public Interest Regulator of Patent Agents and Trademark Agents

As an independent regulator, CPATA protects the public interest by strengthening the competencies of patent agents and trademark agents, and building confidence in accessible, ethical and expert intellectual property services in Canada. 

Our commitment to supporting the rigour and sophistication of the profession plays an important part in driving innovation and stimulating Canada’s economic growth. 

Our Vision

Public access to a globally-respected body of patent agents and trademark agents who are highly skilled, ethical, and current in their knowledge.

Our Role

In accordance with the CPATA Act, Regulations, By-laws and Regulatory Objectives, the College is responsible for protecting the public interest by: 

  • Setting competence standards for the profession and administering entry requirements that address those standards;  
  • Implementing the Code of Professional Conduct established by the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry;  
  • Administering a fair and open process to respond to concerns about the competence or conduct of agents;  
  • Establishing expectations for liability insurance, continuing professional development, and pro bono requirements; and,  
  • Promoting innovation in the delivery of patent and trademark services. 

CPATA promotes and safeguards the public interest. 

  • So creators and innovators can commercialize their ideas. 
  • So agents can make their IP services available. 
  • So investors can get behind the next big idea. 
  • So governments can drive Canada’s economic future. 
  • So stakeholders are invested in Canada’s growth and innovation potential. 
  • So all Canadians can benefit from Canada becoming an innovation disruptor on the world stage. 

Right-Touch Regulation

To further our commitment to Right-Touch Regulation—regulation that is targeted, proportionate, transparent, consistent, and agile—CPATA adopted Regulatory Objectives, Standards and Principles to enshrine how it will act as a modern regulator. 

To advance our role as a modern, professional regulator, CPATA has adopted the following regulatory objectives: 

  1. Protect and promote the public interest in patent and trademark services; 
  2. Protect those who use patent and trademark services; 
  3. Promote innovation in the delivery of patent and trademark services and the protection of intellectual property rights; 
  4. Improve access to, and promote competition in the provision of, patent and trademark services; 
  5. Promote the independence of the patent and trademark profession; 
  6. Oversee the ethical and competent delivery of patent and trademark services by licensees; and, 
  7. Promote equity, diversity and inclusion in the patent and trademark profession and in the delivery of patent and trademark services. 

At a 2022 Board Orientation, CPATA’s Manager of Professional
Responsibility presented an overview of best practices in modern professional
regulation and how CPATA embodies these principles.


Our Key Differentiators

Waiting for it