CPATA’s offices will be closed December 25 to January 1 inclusively for the holidays.

Please note that CPATA’s offices will be closed on Monday, October 14 for Thanksgiving

Governance Policies

Governance Policies and Practices

The Act, Regulations and By-laws set out CPATA’s legislative authority and mandate: in other words, ‘what’ CPATA does. The Governance Policies and Practices describe ‘how’ CPATA operates: they provide an overview of the objectives, standards, principles and regulatory approach CPATA strives to bring to its work at all levels and documents the policies and procedures supporting this work by the Board, committees and staff.

Click the button to view the policies and appendices as one PDF document, or consult individual components in the section below.

Governance Policy

This document describes CPATA’s operations and regulatory approach, providing a summary of relevant information to assist the Board, committees, staff, licensees and the public in understanding our work, and the values and principles we collectively support.

Governance Policy


Appendix A – The Public Interest and CPATA’s Decision-Making – CPATA is the independent public-interest regulator for the patent agent and trademark agent professions. CPATA serves different ‘publics’. This Policy describes the various ways CPATA supports the public interest through its mandate and decision-making.

Appendix B – Decision Making Principles – this Policy highlights the decision-making principles CPATA has adopted for its Board, committees and staff to support its Regulatory Objectives and public interest mandate.

Appendix C – Nominations and Elections Procedures – CPATA’s nominations and elections process is set out in the Act (ss. 13-19) and By-laws (ss. 9-21). This policy provides details of the  supporting processes.

Appendix D – CPATA Directors’ Code of Conduct – The Board has adopted a Code of Conduct to govern the conduct of directors and committee members in an aspirational, principled, proactive and transparent manner.

Appendix D1 – Undertaking regarding Confidentiality and the Code of Conduct – Directors, committee members, staff and external service providers are required to execute an undertaking to preserve the confidentiality and privacy of information acquired while engaged in work for CPATA.

Appendix D2 – Consent to Act as Director – Board Directors are required to execute a consent to act and to certify they are and remain eligible to serve in this capacity, in accordance with the Act.

Appendix E – Complaints against Board Directors or Committee Members – CPATA strives to hold Board Directors and committee members to high standards of conduct and accountability.  This policy outlines the fair and transparent process by which individuals may express concern with the conduct of a Director or committee member.

Appendix F – Board and Committee Meeting Agendas and Organization – this Policy supports the efficient and effective conduct of meetings of the Board and committees.

Appendix G – Executive Expectations of the Chief Executive Officer – documented executive expectations support the Board in exercising appropriate oversight and performance management of the CPATA CEO.

Appendix H – Complaints against the CEO – this policy provides a transparent, fair, impartial and respectful means for individuals to express concerns about the conduct of the CEO as an employee of CPATA.

Appendix I – Conflicts of Interest Register – The Board’s Conflict of Interest Policy (set out in the Code of Conduct) supports CPATA in demonstrating that its decision-making is independent, transparent and worthy of public trust and confidence. This Register assists Directors in identifying potential conflicts as a result of activities outside their roles with CPATA.

Appendix J – Whistleblower Policy – this policy supports CPATA’s commitment to principles of good governance by providing direction to Directors, committee members, staff, licensees, contractors and the public regarding communication of concerns with respect to potentially illegal or unethical conduct in operational or financial matters by CPATA decision-makers.

Appendix K – Privacy Policy – all individuals working with, for or on behalf of CPATA are accountable for respecting the privacy rights of individuals, in accordance with the Federal Privacy Act and Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat policies. This policy supports compliance by CPATA with the Privacy Act and applicable TBS policies and directives governing personal information in CPATA’s custody or control.

Appendix L – Official Languages Policy – CPATA is the national regulator of patent and trademark agents in Canada, and as such it aims to conduct its regulatory activities in ways that value and support the official languages spoken in Canadian communities. This policy supports CPATA in performing its regulatory activities in both of Canada’s official languages.