CPATA’s offices will be closed December 25 to January 1 inclusively for the holidays.

Please note that CPATA’s offices will be closed on Monday, October 14 for Thanksgiving

CPATA is the independent public interest regulator of patent agents and trademark agents in Canada.

For the Public

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Filing a patent or trademark

Filing a patent or trademark application

Concerns or complaints about an agent

Concerns or complaints about an agent

For Licensees

Licence renewal

Licence renewal


Become an Agent



Our role

As an independent regulator, CPATA protects the public interest by strengthening the competencies of patent agents and trademark agents, and building confidence in accessible, ethical and expert intellectual property services in Canada. 

Our commitment to supporting the rigour and sophistication of the profession plays an important part in driving innovation and stimulating Canada’s economic growth.  

Latest from the College

Notice of Suspension – Nicholas Cartel

The College of Patent Agents and Trademark Agents Investigations Committee gives notice that under s…….

Patent Agents: Registration Committee Call for Expressions of Interest and Nominations

CPATA is seeking expressions of interest to fill a patent agent (non-IPIC member) position on……

CPATA Invites All Licensees to Complete the Survey to Help Validate the Professional Foundations Competencies

Shortly after coming into force in 2021, CPATA began working on a multi-year project to……

For the Public

Agents & Trainees

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