CPATA’s offices will be closed December 25 to January 1 inclusively for the holidays.

Please note that CPATA’s offices will be closed on Monday, July 1 for Canada Day


CPATA’s Registration Committee Establishes Standard-Setting Methods to Determine Pass Marks for the New Qualifying Examinations Starting in 2024

At its June 13, 2023, meeting, CPATA’s Registration Committee made decisions regarding how the pass……

CPATA Releases Report on the 2022 Qualifying Examinations

2022 was the second year that CPATA administered the qualifying examinations for patent agents (PAQE)……

CPATA’s Strategic Framework for 2023-2025

The Board of Directors approved CPATA’s first Strategic Framework at its May 26 meeting.   This……

Ruth McHugh Elected Chair of the Board of Directors

On May 26th, Ruth McHugh was elected Chair of CPATA’s Board of Directors for a……

Exam Specifications Set for the Knowledge Component of the New Qualifying Examinations Starting in 2024

CPATA’s Registration Committee has approved the Test Specifications for the Knowledge Examination components of the……

Registration Open for the 2023 Qualifying Examinations 

Class 3 agents-in-training can now register to write the 2023 Trademark Agent Qualifying Examination (TMAQE)……

Message from the CEO Regarding Annual Licence Fees

CPATA’s new By-laws came into effect on May 1, 2023, with updates that enhance CPATA’s……

Call for Expressions of Interest from Qualified Legal Services Providers

The College of Patent Agents and Trademark Agents (CPATA) is the independent, public interest regulator……

FAQ – Increase in Annual Licence Fees

Why is CPATA increasing annual licence fees for 2024?    The Canadian government established CPATA……