CPATA’s offices will be closed December 25 to January 1 inclusively for the holidays.

Board Evaluation


The Board has five foundational functions: 

  1. Lead and support protection of the publics’ interests in accordance with CPATA’s Regulatory Objectives
  2. Oversee the management of the organization
  3. Determine governance, regulatory and other directional policies
  4. Provide financial oversight and stewardship of CPATA’s resources
  5. Be aware of organizational risks and mitigation steps

The CPATA Board strives to govern in a manner that emphasizes: 

  • A focus on the public interest 
  • A proactive, future-focused and outward vision; 
  • Encouragement of diversity of viewpoints; 
  • Strategic leadership; 
  • The clear distinction of Board, committee and staff roles; and 
  • Collective decision-making through consensus and/or voting as appropriate  

The Board seeks to achieve this governance approach by such things as: 

  • Directing its energies toward CPATA’s statutory purpose, Regulatory Objectives, Standards and Principles; 
  • Guiding and inspiring CPATA’s thinking and behaviour through the provision of and adherence to clearly articulated policies; 
  • Fostering a sense of group responsibility toward excellence and self-discipline in matters including attendance, decision-making principles and respect for identified roles; 
  • Ensuring that the work of the Board and of CPATA is effectively communicated to licensees and  stakeholders including the Government of Canada; and 
  • Regularly assessing its processes and performance, and those of the committees. 


The purpose of this evaluation tool is to assist the Board, with reference to the responsibilities listed above, to: 

  • Understand and recognize what is working well; and 
  • Identify areas for improvement. 

The results of this evaluation will be reviewed by the Chair of the Board and Chair of the Governance Committee, and a report will be prepared with recommendations for discussion by the Board and the Governance Committee. 

Board Evaluation

Rating Scale:

Please rate the Board’s performance against the following criteria by selecting the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. You may add comments at the end of each question if you wish.

Board Roles and Responsibilities

1. The Board operates in a manner that upholds fiduciary principles including loyalty, confidentiality, informed decision-making and duties of due care/diligence in accordance with its Code of Conduct.
2. The Board regularly reviews its key governance documents; e.g. Governance Policies, By-laws, Committee Terms of Reference, etc. and ensures they are aligned with CPATA’s legislative mandate and Regulatory Objectives.

Mission and Strategy

3. The Board operates with a strategic plan that includes appropriate, measurable goals, priorities and outcomes that align with CPATA’s Regulatory Objectives, Standards and Principles.
4. The Board regularly evaluates how the College is achieving its mandate and objectives with reference to a clearly articulated Strategic Plan and Annual Workplan.

CEO and Organizational Supervision

5. The Board maintains a healthy and trusting relationship with the CEO, and there is a clear understanding where the Board’s role ends and the CEO’s role begins.
6. The Board evaluates the CEO primarily on the accomplishments of the organization’s strategic goals and priorities and adherence to policy directions, their support for same, and their ability to provide effective leadership.

Meetings, Decision-Making and Board Dynamics

7. Board meetings are organized and conducted in a way that supports strategic discussions, and an appropriate balance between efficiency and effective and informed decision-making.
8. The Board receives regular reports from Committees that provide sufficient information to understand the scope and general nature of their work, and that they are conducting their work in accordance with their Terms of Reference.
9. The Board receives regular, informative, clear and concise reports from the CEO on key operational and regulatory areas, including the identification of risks where appropriate.
10. The Chair’s leadership style and tone promotes effective decision-making, constructive debate and helps the Board work as a team.
11. The Board dynamics are healthy – Directors are engaged, welcome diverse points of view, engage in robust discussions debate while maintaining respect, and are focused on CPATA’s success.

Board Development and Education

12. There is a comprehensive and effective process for orientation of new Directors.
13. There is a well-articulated plan for ongoing education and professional development for the Board focused on key Board and governance competencies.

Financial oversight and stewardship

14. The Board receives regular, high-quality and comprehensive financial information to support informed decision-making.
15. The Board is made aware of relevant financial risks and vulnerabilities.
16. The Board has developed appropriate financial and reserve policies.

Organizational risk

17. The Board uses an active and well-structured process to identify and manage risk and takes time to explore external/environmental challenges and opportunities facing the College and its licensees.
18. The Board takes appropriate steps to oversee that all legal requirements are met by the College.
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