Please note that CPATA’s offices will be closed on Monday, February 17 for Family Day

Concerns about an Agent or Unauthorized Practice

CPATA’s core mandate is to protect members of the public receiving intellectual property services from licensed patent agents and trademark agents.

Patent Agents or Trademark Agents

All CPATA licensees must meet standards for professional competence and ethics and abide by the Code of Professional Conduct. Failure to meet their professional obligations (ex: professional misconduct or incompetence) can have repercussions, including suspension of or restrictions on an agent’s licence(s) to practice.  

Unauthorized Practice

Individuals who are not licensed with CPATA and represent themselves as patent agents or trademark agents, or who offer services only agents are permitted to undertake in accordance with the Patent Act or Trademarks Act, are engaging in unauthorized practice. CPATA takes a risk-focused, proportional and, where necessary, escalated approach to responding to concerns about unauthorized practice. Responses can range from educational communications in cases of inadvertent lack of due diligence, to warnings and requests for rectification, to seeking Court Orders to prevent ongoing misrepresentations and harm. 

Filing an Inquiry or Complaint

Anyone who believes that an agent acted incompetently or unethically, that someone is engaging in unauthorized practice, or who just has a general question or concern, can reach out to CPATA. Fill out the Agent Conduct Inquiry/Complaint/Unauthorized Practice Inquiry form to: 

  • ask a question about an agent’s obligations generally  
  • raise concerns about a specific agent and explore possible resolution options  
  • file a complaint against an agent 
  • notify CPATA about a non-agent who appears to be misrepresenting themselves or doing IP work only licensees can undertake (unauthorized practice) 

The Agent Conduct Inquiry/Complaints Process

CPATA offers a confidential process for addressing and resolving concerns about an agent’s professional conduct. 

What to expect if you file an inquiry or complaint