Please note that CPATA’s offices will be closed on Monday, February 17 for Family Day

Preparation – Trademark Agent Qualifying Examinations

CPATA is providing resources to support agents-in-training who will write the qualifying examinations in 2025.

Candidate Guides

What to Study

To help candidates study for the exam, CPATA has developed these resources which indicate the percentage of questions for each examination that will focus on a particular area of knowledge, as well as the specific knowledge concepts from the College of Patent Agents and Trademark Agents Technical Competencies associated with that area. Additional details regarding the content, format, and structure of the examinations can be found in the test specifications. Candidates should review the full test specifications as part of their preparation for the examinations.

Trademark Knowledge Examination
Trademark Agent Skills Examination

Test Specifications



Sample Knowledge Exam Questions

To help candidates understand what the knowledge examinations will be like, we have selected a sample of 15 questions that are similar in proportion to the test specifications. We recommend trying the questions and then self-scoring them with the answer key, which is also provided.

Sample Trademark Knowledge Examination
Sample Trademark Knowledge Examination Questions – Answer Key

Sample Skills Exam Questions

To help candidates understand what the skills examinations will be like, the Exam Advisory Groups have developed a sample examination for each component.  The sample exam and sample answers are for informational and preparatory purposes only. They are intended to offer prospective test-takers a general understanding of the type and format of questions that may appear on the skills examination, as well as to demonstrate the level of detail expected in responses.

The sample exam does not represent the full range of topics, difficulty levels, or types of questions that may be encountered on the actual exam. The actual exam may contain questions that differ significantly in form and content. The sample answers provided are for illustrative purposes only. They represent one of several possible approaches to answering these sample questions. Actual exam responses may vary, and there may be multiple valid ways to address a question.

Using these sample materials does not guarantee success in the actual skills examination. Examinees are encouraged to engage in comprehensive study and preparation to enhance their understanding of the subject matter.

Orientation Sessions

CPATA offers an orientation for exam candidates prior to each exam administration, to familiarize test-takers with the online exam platform and answer any questions.

2025 Spring Trademark Knowledge Examination

May 6, 2025, 2-4pm ET

2025 Trademark Agent Skills Examination

September 4, 2025; 2-4pm ET.

Registration for the orientation session will open in the Spring.