CPATA’s offices will be closed December 25 to January 1 inclusively for the holidays.

CPATA will be closed December 25 to January 1 inclusively for the holidays

CPATA is the independent public interest regulator of patent agents and trademark agents in Canada.

For the Public

Find an agent

Find an agent

Filing a patent or trademark

Filing a patent or trademark application

Concerns or complaints about an agent

Concerns or complaints about an agent

For Licensees

Licence renewal

Licence renewal


Become an Agent



Our role

As an independent regulator, CPATA protects the public interest by strengthening the competencies of patent agents and trademark agents, and building confidence in accessible, ethical and expert intellectual property services in Canada. 

Our commitment to supporting the rigour and sophistication of the profession plays an important part in driving innovation and stimulating Canada’s economic growth.  

Latest from the College

2025 Fees Indexed to Canada’s CPI and to be adjusted 2%

CPATA’s By-laws require every fee to be adjusted (increased or decreased) on January 1 by……

Board of Directors Approves CPATA’s Budget for 2025

CPATA’s Board of Directors met today, Thursday December 5, to approve CPATA’s budget for 2025.  ……

CPATA in 2024 – A Year in Review

As 2024 draws to a close, we look back on the highlights that have defined……

For the Public

Agents & Trainees

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