CPATA’s offices will be closed December 25 to January 1 inclusively for the holidays.

Please note that CPATA’s offices will be closed on Monday, July 1 for Canada Day

Competency Initiative

CPATA’s primary concern is to protect the public, and our first line of activity is to ensure that practitioners – both new and experienced – are professionally competent. By ‘competent’, we mean they are technically competent and act ethically in the work they do as IP agents. A focus on professional competence is the most effective way to protect both the consuming public and the important role that agents play in the protection of IP rights. We have begun to assess the competencies required for new and existing licensees to provide high-quality services to the public. 

We have developed a multi-year initiative to refine entry-level and continuing competencies. This includes: 

  • Competency frameworks: developing and validating the knowledge and technical competency frameworks for agents;   
  • Qualifying examinations: developing and implementing the new and enhanced qualifying examination system; and    
  • Education: exploring pre-requisite education and training, and continuing competence programs   

This initiative benefits from the support of many members of the professional community, including committee members, exam developers and evaluators. Being part of this esteemed group is a chance to give back, develop skills, gain recognition, and connect with others. 


Feedback from licensees on the draft competency profiles has been taken into consideration, and the final profiles were reviewed and approved by the Registration Committee at their December 14, 2022, meeting. They will be published and circulated in the coming weeks. We are now starting the process of redeveloping the qualifying examinations